VIEA hosts 5th Annual "State of the Island Economic Summit" on October 18-19,2011

Linking Island Leaders

The Vancouver Island State of the Island Economic Summit provides a venue and a forum for businesses and stakeholders on Vancouver Island to understand the state of the Island economy. The Summit is organized by the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (VIEA). The first Summit was held in 2007.

The 2010 Summit welcomed over 400 delegates. One of the key highights was the presentation of VIEA’s Linking Island Leaders research project. To learn more, click here

“A review of local planning documents shows that as well as community specific goals, each community on Vancouver Island is working towards three common goals: a diversified economic base, improved relationships with neighbouring First Nations, and sustainability,” stated Cori Lynn Germiquet, VIEA Past-President when the report on the Link Project was released at the 2010 Summit. Cori Lynn Germiquet was President from 2007 through 2011.

The 2011 Summit will be October 18 & 19 and will be held at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in downtown Nanaimo.

What is VIEA?

The Vancouver Island Economic Alliance is a collaborative partnership spearheading regional economic development for the Vancouver Island region. VIEA provides the means for a multitude of communities, First Nations, businesses, and other key stakeholders to collaborate on broad-based economic development programs that improve the region’s overall capacity for growth.

The regional alliance includes all Vancouver Island communities from Victoria to Port Hardy as well as the Northern and Southern Gulf Islands.

To Learn More:

To download VIEA’s Strategic Plan and 2011-2013 Workplan, click here.