Sustainable Service Delivery in the Comox Valley: Joint Report on a Regional Response to Infrastructure Liability
A Regional Response to Infrastructure Liability in the Comox Valley
The initial capital cost of infrastructure is about 20% of the life-cycle cost; the other 80% largely represents a future unfunded liability. Through a program of professional development, the regional district and three municipalities are aligning efforts and striving for a consistent Comox Valley regional approach to Sustainable Service Delivery.
Move Beyond Professional Development
“One of the foundation pieces underpinning the 2011 Series is expressed this way: All those involved in land development have a role to play in achieving Sustainable Service Delivery. The players include land use and infrastructure professionals,” states Glenn Westendorp, Public Works Superintendent with the Town of Comox. He is Chair of the 2011 Seminar Series.
“We have moved beyond continuing education solely for the purpose of professional development. The 2011 Series is aligned with the recently adopted Regional Growth Strategy and Regional Sustainability Strategy. We are exploring what implementation of regional policy means on the ground. We are working towards a Joint Report on A Regional Response to Infrastructure Liability.”
“At Seminar #3 on June 30, we will weave together the series outcomes and how they will be reflected in the Joint Report.”
Align Efforts at a Watershed Scale
“We know that the time to shape future life-cycle costs is at the infrastructure planning ‘front-end’; and we recognize the importance of thinking at a watershed scale. Protection of a community’s natural resources is an important piece in Sustainable Service Delivery, both fiscally and ecologically,” continues Kevin Lorette, General Manager of the Property Services Branch in the Comox Valley Regional District.
“Because nature has no borders, the four Comox Valley local governments are exploring how we can align and integrate our efforts at a watershed scale. We can achieve that outcome within the existing governance framework.”
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Posted in June 2011