Seminar #3 in the 2011 Comox Valley Series: Links to downloadable copies of presentations



Comox valley learning lunch seminar #3 - june 2011


2011 Theme: A Regional Response to Infrastructure Liability

“History shows that local governments are very good at planning ahead, but Glenn westendorp (120p) - town of comoxnot-so-good at looking ahead – for example: The initial capital cost of municipal nfrastructure is about 20% of the life-cycle cost. The other 80% is an unfunded liability, and is increasing year after year,” states Glenn Westendorp, Public Works Superintendent with the Town of Comox. He is Chair of the 2011 Series.

“The theme for the 2011 Series is A Regional Response to Infrastructure Liability. This is a driver for a change in the way local Derek richmond (120p)governments plan, finance, implement and over time replace infrastructure. The focus of the 2011 Series is on why and how all those involved in land development have a role to play in achieving Sustainable Service Delivery,” adds Derek Richmond, Manager of Engineering Services with the City of Courtenay.

To learn more about the program design, click on Sustainable Service Delivery: Comox Valley Local Governments Release Program Details for 2011 Learning Lunch Series


Seminar #3 – Risk Management

In April, Seminar #1 painted a picture of the ‘legacy liability’ of existing hard infrastructure (i.e. roads, water, sewers). In May, Seminar #2 dealt with green infrastructure and how it enables ‘sustainable urban drainage’ at a lower life-cycle cost.

On June 30, Seminar #3 addressed floodplain and flooding issues. Showcasing of the Cowichan River integrated plan created an opportunity for inter-valley sharing. Also, the Comox Valley Regional Team foreshadowed what would likely be in their Joint Report on A Regional Response to Infrastructure Liability.

For more information about the seminar content, click on Agenda for Seminar #3 on June 30.


Links to Presentations:

Glenn Westendorp, Jack Minard (Comox Valley Land Trust) and Kate Miller (Cowichan Valley Regional District) presented cascading presentations in the morning session to set the scene for the day. To download their presentations, click on:

  • Regional Response to Infrastructure Liability: Building to a Joint Report (1.3 MB) by Glenn Westendorp — Provided context by reviewing the history of the Dutch approach over the past 1000 years.
  • Jack minard (120p)Restoration Vision for Tsolum River: A Self-Sustaining System (3.8 MB) by Jack Minard — Started with a story about the Tsolum River Partnership receiving a Premier’s Award for Innovation and Excellence. Focussed on the ingredients for success: shared vision, collaboration, and long-term commitment. Connected the dots between land use practices and water balance management. 
  • Kate miller (120p) - cowichan valley regional districtCowichan River Integrated Flood Management Management Plan: How One Community is Adapting by Kate Miller — click on Slide Nos 1-15 (7MB) and Slide Nos 16-37 (13 MB) — Because we have a limited ability to engineer change, we need to be cautious and anticipate nature’s extremes. None of the existing dykes have adequate freeboard for a 200-year flood event. To view a computer simulation of flood inundation in the Cowichan Valley, click here.

Domenico iannidinardo & derek richmond (180p) In the afternoon, Domenico Iannidinardo (TimberWest) and Derek Richmond (City of Courtenay) provided brief context presentations to inform a town-hall sharing and learning session. This was conducted in two segments that flowed seamlessly together. A panel conversation about the Tsolum River case study led into a reflection on the key messages in a Joint Report by the Comox Valley Regional Team.

  • Tsolum River Flooding (12 MB) by Domenico Iannidinardo — The existing partnership for Tsolum River restoriation provides a springboard for expanded alignment and integrated action at a watershed scale.
  • Joint Report on a Regional Response to Infrastructure Liability(6 MB) by Derek Richmond — The watershed-based approach takes a long-term and holistic view, gets it right at the beginning, and is then proactive in anticipating and managing change.


Kim Stephens, Executive Director of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC, facilitated the town-hall session. “We ended the 2011 Series on a high note. There was energy in the room; everyone was still. engaged; and there was enthusiasm for moving to the next step.The discussion could easily continued past our 3pm cut-off time. But we have made it a practice of starting and finishing on-time.”

Posted July 2011