"Tsolum River restoration story is all about sharing a vision and mutual respect," observes CAVI's Eric Bonham



Note to Reader:

After a small open-pit copper mine on Mount Washington on Vancouver Island closed in the 1960s, leaching copper eliminated fisheries in the Tsolum River watershed. By 2009, remediation work had improved water quality to the point where fisheries resources were beginning to recover.

In May 2011, the work of the Tsolum River Partnership was recognized with a  Premier’s Award for Excellence and Innovation. This inspired Eric Bonham of the CAVI Leadership Team to reflect on lessons learned from the Tsolum River story.


Partnerships and Mutual Respect

“The Tsolum story underscores the value of Eric bonham (120p) community stewards working collaboratively with government agencies and the private sector towards a common vision. It also highlights the need for dedicated insiders within government who ‘stay the course’ and remain committed… for it’s all about partnerships and mutual respect,” wrote Eric Bonham.

“What has this to do with CAVI..well a significant amount I believe…for I see the identical qualities with the teamwork and leadership demonstrated within the Comox Valley-CAVI initiatives.”


To Learn More:

To read the complete story posted elsewhere on the Convening for Action Community-of-Interest, click on “Tsolum River restoration story is all about sharing a vision and mutual respect,” observes CAVI’s Eric Bonham


Tsolum river

Posted June 2011