WORTH EVERY PENNY: For the complete story of conservation-oriented water pricing, from research to practice, download the set of PowerPoint presentations delivered by John Finnie, Kirk Stinchcombe & Oliver Brandes, Mike Donnelly and Wally Wells at the Nanaimo Region Water Pricing Workshop (September 2010)
Nanaimo Region Water Workshop stimulates dialogue on Sustainable Service Delivery
Part of the rollout to stimulate a national dialogue on sustainable water management, the Nanaimo Region Water Pricing Workshop is described as the first of its kind in Canada. The workshop program was a unique blend of research and practice. To download the PDF versions of the four sets of PowerPoint presentation slides, click on the links below:
Links to Presentations
John Finnie (host) & Kim Stephens (moderator):
Workshop Storyline (1.4MB PDF) — The desired outcome for the workshop was that participating practitioners would connect the dots between three initiatives (Water Pricing Primer, RDN Action for Water, and Beyond the Guidebook 2010); and will understand why ‘conservation-oriented water pricing’ is a tool to achieve a larger end.
Kirk Stinchcombe & Oliver Brandes:
Worth Every Penny: Conservation-Oriented Water Pricing (12MB PDF) — Effective conservation-oriented water pricing can help reconcile growing communities with the health of local watersheds and engage individuals and businesses to change their behaviour and begin reducing their water footprints.
Mike Donnelly:
Drinking Water and Watershed Pricing & Water Utility Pricing: Making the Connection (0.8MB PDF) — Once there is a clear understanding of a region’s water resources, where they are changing and why…then land use planning and development standards can be appropriately and effectively modified.
Glen Brown (presented by Wally Wells of Asset Management BC):
Financial Accountability, Infrastructure Sustainability, Service Delivery: Connecting the Dots with an Asset Management Approach (3MB PDF) — Money, it should be about how to get the most value out of every dollar spent. Too often, thinking stops after the capital investment is made. Yet everyone needs to be thinking in terms of life-cycle costs, including future recapitalization of the investment.
To Learn More:
To view the set of preview stories that provide a mind-map of the workshop content, click on Nanaimo Region Water Pricing Workshop: Connecting the dots to Sustainable Service Delivery