BOWKER CREEK FORUM PREVIEW: “Leading up to the Bowker Creek Forum, a set of four stories progressively foreshadowed and/or elaborated on what would be covered at the Forum,” stated Kim Stephens, Program Coordinator, Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia (February 2010)


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An Integrated Approach to Urban Watershed Management: Bowker Creek Blueprint Demonstrates the ‘Regional Team Approach’

Leading up to the Bowker Creek Forum, a set of four stories progressively foreshadowed and/or elaborated on what would be covered at the Forum. A fifth story documents the Forum outcomes. The publication schedule, titles and scope are listed below:

These stories served as resource materials for participants; and in future will serve as a publicly accessible record of the Forum process.

To Learn More:

To download a PDF version of this web story, click on Bowker Creek Forum: Water Bucket Storyline & Publication Schedule

About the Bowker Creek Blueprint

The Bowker Creek Blueprint provides member municipalities, the Capital Regional District, the community and other land stewards with information and guidance to manage and restore the Bowker Creek watershed and creek corridor over the long term.

Having a plan in place will ensure that positive changes can happen incrementally, and that opportunities for major improvements can be achieved as they arise…in order to achieve the Bowker Creek Vision.

Need for Regional Team Approach

Achieving the Bowker Creek Vision entails a ‘regional team approach’ that is founded on the notion of shared responsibility.

To Learn More:

To download a copy of the discussion document released by the Water Sustainability Action Plan in December 2009, click on Backgrounder: Shared Responsibility Underpins a Regional Team Approach to Creating Our Future in British Columbia

Communication via Water Bucket

The website is the communication platform for the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia; and for regional initiatives and programs such as CAVI-Convening for Action on Vancouver Island. The website is used to support/publicize “convening for action” events such as the Bowker Creek Forum.

Desired Outcomes

Kim stephens - 2009 (100p)According to Kim Stephens, Program Coordinator for the Action Plan, publishing a series of stories on is intended to achieve three outcomes:

  • progressively establish expectations;
  • enable participants to tell their stories in their own words; and
  • provide a written record of our “convening for action in BC” history as we create it.

“By publishing weekly stories on, this provides groups such as the Bowker Creek Steering Committee with flexibility to issue news releases (complete with web links) to inform target audiences,” states Kim Stephens.

Format for Information Delivery

Mike tanner(120p)The format for information delivery is a downloadable PDF document accompanied by a short web story. These are not technical documents. Although the layout is report-style, the documents are written in a journalistic style with emphasis on use of quotes. These personalize the stories and make them reader-friendly. Our experience shows that this approach is proving effective in communicating key messages,” adds Mike Tanner, Chair of the Water Bucket Website Partnership.

To Learn More:

Click on  Mike Tanner tells “The Story of the WaterBucket Website” at the 2009 Resilient Cities Conference.