BOWKER CREEK FORUM: Links to video clips posted on YouTube – “All the parties saw the Trent Street Rain Garden as a learning opportunity. This type of green feature is the future of good watershed management in Bowker Creek and other watersheds in our region,” stated Steven Fifield, Manager of Underground Utilities, City of Victoria (February 2010)
Bowker Creek Forum showcases an integrated approach to urban watershed management
It is suggested that the YouTube video clips be viewed in conjunction with the associated PowerPoint presentation. To access the latter, click here.
Mission Possible
Eric Bonham drew on a lifetime of experience, both as a Director of Engineering in the provincial government and as a community advocate, to establish a frame of reference for truly appreciating the significance of the Bowker Creek Blueprint as a landmark accomplishment.
To Learn More:
Click on the links below to access the video clips on YouTube:
- Part 1 – Setting the Scene (2:18)
- Part 2 – Mission Possible Explained (9:50)
- Key Message #1 – Collective Indifference (2:33)
- Key Message #2 – Creating a Legacy (0:51)
- Key Message #3 – A New Form of Governance (0:28)
Blueprint Development / Blueprint Actions
Over about a 2-hour period, Jody Watson (BCI Chair) weaved the story of Bowker Creek from the late 1800s through until the present. Her storytelling provided context for the ‘collective indifference’ that had characterized the urbanization of Bowker Creek for more than a century; and for the ‘design with nature’ ethic that is now driving watershed restoration.
To Learn More:
Click on the links below to access the video clips on YouTube:
- Watershed History (2:18)
- Watershed Overview (0:55)
- Why Bowker Creek is the pilot for the Capital Region (3:38)
- Letting go of the ISMP Template (3:18)
- Why do municipalities need a blueprint? (2:16)
- Understanding the watershed hydrology (6:40)
- A knowledge-based approach to making decisions (1:44)
- Implementing a new culture for watershed restoration (2:49)
Blueprint Implementation
Adriane Pollard elaborated on what should be simple and what might be difficult to implement. Then Anne Topp dealt with issues, opportunities and key factors for success. They set the scene for Steven Fifield to provide an on-the-ground example of what implementation looks like.
Planning Perspective
“This plan is not just about water. It is about how this community wants to live and connect to the environment,” stated Anne Topp, Manager of Community Planning with the District of Saanich.
“Council has been recently engaged by the Bowker Creek Initiative. There is generally a good feeling and understanding of the work being done,” reported Adriane Pollard, Manager of Environmental Planning with the District.
To Learn More:
Click on the links below to access the video clips on YouTube:
- Adriane Pollard: What should be simple (3:01)
- Adriane Pollard:What might be difficult (3:56)
- Anne Topp: What are the issues( 5:25)
- Anne Topp: What are the opportunities (4:05)
- Anne Topp: Key Factors for Success (5:03)
Engineering Perspective
“You have to be committed and you have to think long-term. I believe the City of Victoria is forward thinking in terms of environmental responsibility. As soon as we heard about rain gardens, we felt that they were the way to go. So we had to find an opportunity to build one and be successful,” stated Steven Fifield, Manager of Underground Utilities with the City of Victoria.
“We looked and we thought, and then a situation presented itself. This was on Trent Street, a small cul-de-sac in an institutional area. Bowker Creek is nearby. So location-wise, this was a great opportunity.”
To Learn More:
Click on the links below to access the video clips on YouTube:
- An introduction to Steve Fifield (0:40)
- The Challlenge of Change (3:18)
- The Right Thing & Community Buy-In (2:42)
- Dealing with Practical Challenges (0:56)
- Building the Rain Gardens (2:34)
- The Finished Rain Gardens (2:22)
- Project Costs (0:45)
- Full Speed Ahead (1:46)