Real Estate Foundation hosts Green Developers Roundtable at 2008 Gaining Ground Summit
Investment decisions show that Green Value has moved from market-niche to market-share on Vancouver Island
In conjunction with the 2008 Gaining Ground Sustainable Development Leadership Summit held in Victoria, the Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia (REFBC) organized a Green Developers Roundtable as a consultation opportunity to support the Convening for Action on Vancouver Island (CAVI) program. Representatives of projects in the Comox Valley, mid-Island and south-Island regions participated.
“The roundtable purpose was to initiate a Green Value Dialogue with the Vancouver Island development community”, reports John Finnie, CAVI Chair. “This consultation is an essential element of a two-track approach by CAVI to encourage local governments and the development community to implement policies and practices that accommodate settlement growth and change without irrevocable damage to the ecology that underlies the well being of Island communities.”
Based on research undertaken by the REFBC to quantify the extent of Green Value development on Vancouver Island, the key finding is that overnight Green Value development has moved from market-niche to market-share.
To Learn More:
To read the complete story about the research that was presented at the Green Developers Roundtable, please click here.
Posted June 2008