Convening for Action on Vancouver Island: CAVI started with an idea and a conversation



Creating Our Future

The projected growth of Vancouver Island and resulting cumulative impacts are drivers for reassessing where and how land is developed, and water is used. CAVI-Convening for Action on Vancouver Island is a grassroots, collective partnership committed to achieving settlement in balance with ecology, beginning with water-centric planning.

New way of thinking


Connecting People

CAVI brings together those who plan and regulate land use (local government), those who build (developers) and those who provide the legislative framework (the Province). To download a synopsis pf the CAVI story, please click on the following link to  CAVI – Leadership in Water Sustainabiltiy

The purpose of CAVI is to provide leadership, coordination,research and education for practioners. While the target is primarily local government administrators, engineers, planners and elected officials, CAVI also strongly supports participation by the development, academic, First Nations and citizen communities so that collectively we can plan for sustainable water resources in the context of future settlement activity on Vancouver Island.

CAVI provides expertise and support to municipalities and organizations that are drawn to achieving water sustainability – and then helps them share their ideas and successes so that others can see how they too can get on board.

Posted November 2007