

    Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA)

    The CSLA is a national association of professional landscape architects. The mandate of the association is to represent our members nationally and internationally, to co-ordinate items of common interest, and to inform and educate members in the interest of the profession and the public it serves.

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    Center for Watershed Protection (CWP)

    Founded in 1992, the Center for Watershed Protection is a non-profit corporation that provides local governments, activists, and watershed organizations around the country with the technical tools for protecting some of the nation’s most precious natural resources: our streams, lakes and rivers. The Center has developed and disseminated a multi-disciplinary strategy to watershed protection that encompasses watershed planning, watershed restoration, stormwater management, watershed research, better site design, education and outreach, and watershed training.

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    DHI Water & Environment

    DHI Water & Environment is an independent, international consulting and research organisation approved as an authorised Technological Service Institute by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

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    Freshwater Action Network (FAN)

    FAN aims to ensure that freshwater NGOs are strongly represented at international water policy forums and to ensure their voices are heard during the increasingly political water debates. FAN also aims to strengthen effective NGO participation in policy making throughout a cross-sectoral international network, incorporating the aims of different NGOs with a range of advocacy priorities.

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    Young Water Action Team (YWAT)

    The Young Water Action Team is a global network of young water professionals and students aged 18-30 with members in more than 40 countries. Our mission is to increasing the awareness, participation and commitment of young people to water-related issues. In partnership with international water organisations, YWAT is creating a network of young people who are dedicated to tacking the world's challenges with water, sanitation and hygiene.

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    Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment: Water

    CCME ministers are committed to working collaboratively on key freshwater issues such as water demand and use management and water quality and aquatic ecosystems. While most actions relating to water quality protection and water management are taken by individual jurisdictions, CCME provides a forum to enhance coordination on water quality issues.

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