
Water Quality/Quantity

    Global International Waters Assessment (GIWA)

    The aim of GIWA is to produce a comprehensive and integrated global assessment of international waters, the ecological status of and the causes of environmental problems in 66 water areas in the world, and focus on the key issues and problems facing the aquatic environment in transboundary waters.

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    Environment Canada: St. Lawrence Centre (SLC)

    SLC is the only federal research and development centre devoted entirely to the river ecosystem. Our specialists are involved in a multitude of studies and research programs aimed at better understanding how the ecosystems of the St. Lawrence River function and at keeping this knowledge up to date.

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    Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA)

    The Grand River Conservation Authority is a corporate body established to enable municipalities to jointly undertake water and natural resource management on a watershed basis – for the benefit of all.

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    Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH)

    CEH Wallingford's mission is to: advance the science of hydrology through research, investigate through monitoring and modelling natural changes in the hydrological environment and to assess past, present and future effects of man's impact on all phases of the hydrological cycle, secure, expand and provide hydrologically relevant data, and promote the use of CEH's research and data.

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    Great Lakes Information Network (GLIN)

    GLIN is a partnership that provides one place online for people to find information relating to the binational Great Lakes-St. Lawrence region of North America. GLIN offers a wealth of data and information about the region's environment, economy, tourism, education and more.

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    Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

    Our goal is to enable users to locate and obtain access to Earth science data sets and services relevant to the global change and Earth science research. The GCMD database holds more than 15,000 descriptions of Earth science data sets and services covering all aspects of Earth and environmental sciences.

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    BC Tap Water Alliance

    As communities are established, as populations increase, our shared responsibility should not only be directed towards monitoring the provincial inter-ministerial and public processes in place on what has and is occurring in our local watersheds, and to our subsurface flows, but also to become visionaries for the future well being of those community residents and to the integrity of our watersheds.

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