
Transboundary Water

    Global Water Partnership (GWP)

    The mission of the Global Water Partnership is to “support countries in the sustainable management of their water resources.” The GWP's objectives are to: clearly establish the principles of sustainable water resources management, identify gaps and stimulate partners to meet critical needs within their available human and financial resources, support action at the local, national, regional or riverbasin level that follows principles of sustainable water resources management, and help match needs to available resources.

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    BC Tap Water Alliance

    As communities are established, as populations increase, our shared responsibility should not only be directed towards monitoring the provincial inter-ministerial and public processes in place on what has and is occurring in our local watersheds, and to our subsurface flows, but also to become visionaries for the future well being of those community residents and to the integrity of our watersheds.

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    International Joint Commission (IJC)

    The IJC is an independent binational organization established by the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909. Its purpose is to help prevent and resolve disputes relating to the use and quality of boundary waters and to advise Canada and the United States on related questions.

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