
Tools and Resources

    Pervious Pavers: Choosing products and installation methods

    Permeable Pavers – photo
    Stormwater Magazine – September 2009
    Permeable pavement is one of four recommended low-impact development (LID) methods promoted in an LID manual being developed by Sarasota County, Florida, and the Southwest Florida Water Management District.

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    Soils for Salmon

    “Soils for Salmon” is an initiative of the Washington Organic Recycling Council. Soil performs valuable functions: nourishing plants, absorbing and cleaning stormwater. These functions are often degraded during development when soil is removed or compacted. Restoring healthy soil is essential to protecting our waterways and salmon, and our way of life in the Puget Sound region. Builders, developers, and landscapers are adopting practices that preserve and improve the soil on building sites, and protect waterways, and local governments are beginning to require it.

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    Setting Soil Standards in King County, Washington, with the Future in Mind

    King County in Washington State became one of the first jurisdictions in the United States to adopt and implement a post-construction soil standard. Its regulation went into effect January 1, 2005. King County’s post-construction soil standard has changed the way developers plan and develop a site in unincorporated parts of the county.

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    Alberta Low Impact Development Partnership

    The mission of the Alberta Low Impact Development Partnership is to protect and maintain the integrity of the natural environment while promoting the growth, prosperity and quality of life of Alberta’s communities. Implementation of low impact development practices will lead to healthier, more sustainable watersheds.

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