
Professional Development

    Alberta Low Impact Development Partnership

    The mission of the Alberta Low Impact Development Partnership is to protect and maintain the integrity of the natural environment while promoting the growth, prosperity and quality of life of Alberta’s communities. Implementation of low impact development practices will lead to healthier, more sustainable watersheds.

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    Convening for Action on Vancouver Island

    CAVI is the acronym for Convening for Action on Vancouver Island. CAVI is a regional pilot program that is being implemented under the umbrella of the “Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia”. The purpose of CAVI is to provide research and education for practitioners (primarily local government administrators, engineers, planners and elected officials) so that they can plan for sustainable water resources in the context of burgeoning settlement activity.

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    Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA)

    The CSLA is a national association of professional landscape architects. The mandate of the association is to represent our members nationally and internationally, to co-ordinate items of common interest, and to inform and educate members in the interest of the profession and the public it serves.

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    Boss International

    Hydrology and hydraulics software, engineering consulting, bookstore, and discussion forums for civil and environmental engineering professionals.

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