
Marine Offshore

    Global International Waters Assessment (GIWA)

    The aim of GIWA is to produce a comprehensive and integrated global assessment of international waters, the ecological status of and the causes of environmental problems in 66 water areas in the world, and focus on the key issues and problems facing the aquatic environment in transboundary waters.

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    Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA)

    The Grand River Conservation Authority is a corporate body established to enable municipalities to jointly undertake water and natural resource management on a watershed basis – for the benefit of all.

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    Center for Watershed Protection (CWP)

    Founded in 1992, the Center for Watershed Protection is a non-profit corporation that provides local governments, activists, and watershed organizations around the country with the technical tools for protecting some of the nation’s most precious natural resources: our streams, lakes and rivers. The Center has developed and disseminated a multi-disciplinary strategy to watershed protection that encompasses watershed planning, watershed restoration, stormwater management, watershed research, better site design, education and outreach, and watershed training.

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    Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

    Our goal is to enable users to locate and obtain access to Earth science data sets and services relevant to the global change and Earth science research. The GCMD database holds more than 15,000 descriptions of Earth science data sets and services covering all aspects of Earth and environmental sciences.

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    Cousteau Society

    Educating people to understand, to love and to protect the water systems of the planet, marine and fresh water, for the well-being of future generations.

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    Freshwater Society

    For over thirty years, the Freshwater Society has been a leading public nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving, restoring, and protecting freshwater resources and their surrounding watersheds. Through its program initiatives in freshwater resource management, groundwater and surface water stewardship activities, public education, conferences and publications, the Freshwater Society has been a catalyst for understanding one of our most important natural resources.

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    Earth Force: Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (GREEN)

    GREEN helps young people protect the rivers, streams and other vital water resources in their communities. This program merges hands-on, scientific learning with civic action. GREEN resources, including the curriculum Protecting Our Watersheds and water quality monitoring equipment, are available to educators across the country. GREEN training and support for educators is available through offices, affiliates and partners.

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