
Inventory & Reporting

    Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

    Our goal is to enable users to locate and obtain access to Earth science data sets and services relevant to the global change and Earth science research. The GCMD database holds more than 15,000 descriptions of Earth science data sets and services covering all aspects of Earth and environmental sciences.

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    BC Tap Water Alliance

    As communities are established, as populations increase, our shared responsibility should not only be directed towards monitoring the provincial inter-ministerial and public processes in place on what has and is occurring in our local watersheds, and to our subsurface flows, but also to become visionaries for the future well being of those community residents and to the integrity of our watersheds.

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    Earth Force: Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (GREEN)

    GREEN helps young people protect the rivers, streams and other vital water resources in their communities. This program merges hands-on, scientific learning with civic action. GREEN resources, including the curriculum Protecting Our Watersheds and water quality monitoring equipment, are available to educators across the country. GREEN training and support for educators is available through offices, affiliates and partners.

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    Government of BC: Ministry of Water, Land & Air Protection – Environmental Protection Division

    The EPD works to protect human and environmental health. Its main goals are to: improve air quality; reduce greenhouse gas emissions; improve surface and ground water quality, including sources of drinking water; redevelop a provincial plan for reducing and removing toxins and waste that contaminate the land, air and water — and for responding to high-risk environmental emergencies; and enhance environmental stewardship, shared with other stakeholders.

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