

    Rain gardens soak up urban stormwater pollution

    Properly designed “rain gardens” can effectively trap and retain up to 99 percent of common pollutants in urban storm runoff, potentially improving water quality and promoting the conversion of some pollutants into less harmful compounds. This is according to new research scheduled for publication in the February 15, 2006 issue of the American Chemical Society journal, “Environmental Science and Technology”. The affordable, easy-to-design gardens could help solve one of the nation’s most pressing pollution problems.

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    Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA)

    The Grand River Conservation Authority is a corporate body established to enable municipalities to jointly undertake water and natural resource management on a watershed basis – for the benefit of all.

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    Center for Watershed Protection (CWP)

    Founded in 1992, the Center for Watershed Protection is a non-profit corporation that provides local governments, activists, and watershed organizations around the country with the technical tools for protecting some of the nation’s most precious natural resources: our streams, lakes and rivers. The Center has developed and disseminated a multi-disciplinary strategy to watershed protection that encompasses watershed planning, watershed restoration, stormwater management, watershed research, better site design, education and outreach, and watershed training.

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    This UK government-funded programme can help make your business more competitive and profitable, and ensure compliance with environmental legislation.

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    Goldseal: Wild Salmon Spotlight

    The Wild Salmon Spotlight provides information on salmon, their habitat and life cycle, conservation practices, community projects, and intersting links.

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    Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

    Our goal is to enable users to locate and obtain access to Earth science data sets and services relevant to the global change and Earth science research. The GCMD database holds more than 15,000 descriptions of Earth science data sets and services covering all aspects of Earth and environmental sciences.

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    Blue Frontier Campaign (BFC)

    BFC's goals include: organize a national conference of “seaweed” activists to help create a Blue Movement, campaign for an American Oceans Act to protect our public seas, work to improve ocean policies in America's 23 coastal states and their watersheds, support maritime community activists through a distribution of model policies and practices that work, among other actions.

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    Government of Canada: Green Government

    Welcome to greeninggovernment.gc.ca, the Web site to learn information on the Government of Canada's effort to green its own operations and to share knowledge on sustainable development in government operations.

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    Canadian Water Resources Association (CWRA)

    CWRA is a national organization of individuals and organizations interested in the management of Canada's water resources. The membership is composed of private and public sector water resource professionals including managers, administrators, scientists, academics, students and users.

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    Great Lakes United (GLU)

    Great Lakes United is an international coalition dedicated to preserving and restoring the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River ecosystem. Great Lakes United develops and promotes effective policy initiatives, carries out education programs, and promotes citizen action and grassroots leadership.

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