

    International Association for Environmental Hydology (IAEH)

    IAEH is a worldwide association of environmental hydrologists dedicated to the protection and cleanup of fresh water resources. The IAEH mission is to provide a place to share technical information and exchange ideas, and to provide a source of inexpensive tools for the environmental hydrologist, especially hydrologists and water resource engineers in developing countries.

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    Inland Sea Society (ISS)

    In 1988, a few enterprising and enthusiastic residents in the Bayfield Peninsula of northern Wisconsin formed the Inland Sea Society. The Society was created in conjunction with organizing the 1st Annual Inland Sea Symposium. The Symposium was created to promote environmental stewardship through education and recreation.

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    Canadian Water Resources Association (CWRA)

    CWRA is a national organization of individuals and organizations interested in the management of Canada's water resources. The membership is composed of private and public sector water resource professionals including managers, administrators, scientists, academics, students and users.

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    Freshwater Action Network (FAN)

    FAN aims to ensure that freshwater NGOs are strongly represented at international water policy forums and to ensure their voices are heard during the increasingly political water debates. FAN also aims to strengthen effective NGO participation in policy making throughout a cross-sectoral international network, incorporating the aims of different NGOs with a range of advocacy priorities.

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    BC Tap Water Alliance

    As communities are established, as populations increase, our shared responsibility should not only be directed towards monitoring the provincial inter-ministerial and public processes in place on what has and is occurring in our local watersheds, and to our subsurface flows, but also to become visionaries for the future well being of those community residents and to the integrity of our watersheds.

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    Irrigation Association (IA)

    Since 1949, Irrigation Association® members worldwide have worked toward a shared vision – water conservation through efficient irrigation. The IA, a non-profit business, promotes and supports the irrigation industry by: providing a voice for the industry, acting as a source of technical and public policy information, raising awareness of the benefits of professional irrigation services, offering professional training and certification, and uniting irrigation professionals.

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    Young Water Action Team (YWAT)

    The Young Water Action Team is a global network of young water professionals and students aged 18-30 with members in more than 40 countries. Our mission is to increasing the awareness, participation and commitment of young people to water-related issues. In partnership with international water organisations, YWAT is creating a network of young people who are dedicated to tacking the world's challenges with water, sanitation and hygiene.

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    Intenational Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR)

    IAGLR is a scientific organization made up of researchers studying the Laurentian Great Lakes and other large lakes of the world, as well as those with an interest in such research. Specifically, we promote all aspects of large lakes research and communicate research findings through publications and meetings.

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    Freshwater Society

    For over thirty years, the Freshwater Society has been a leading public nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving, restoring, and protecting freshwater resources and their surrounding watersheds. Through its program initiatives in freshwater resource management, groundwater and surface water stewardship activities, public education, conferences and publications, the Freshwater Society has been a catalyst for understanding one of our most important natural resources.

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