
Rainwater Management

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The Great Lakes of North America

The Great Lakes Region is the largest expanse of freshwater in the world with a unique and diverse landscape. This region which is the size of continental Europe is made up of the US states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin along with the Canadian province of Ontario.

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Council of Great Lakes Governors (CGLC)

The Council has one simple mission: To encourage and facilitate environmentally responsible economic growth. Through the Council, Governors work collectively to ensure that the entire Great Lakes region is both economically sound and environmentally conscious in addressing today&#039s problems and tomorrow&#039s challenges.

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International Joint Commission (IJC)

The IJC is an independent binational organization established by the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909. Its purpose is to help prevent and resolve disputes relating to the use and quality of boundary waters and to advise Canada and the United States on related questions.

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Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment: Water

CCME ministers are committed to working collaboratively on key freshwater issues such as water demand and use management and water quality and aquatic ecosystems. While most actions relating to water quality protection and water management are taken by individual jurisdictions, CCME provides a forum to enhance coordination on water quality issues.

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