

Cowichan Water Balance Express for Landowners: “The tool has now been upgraded to utilize a Google map base," stated Jeff Moore in his report to the Regional Services Committee

“The Express supports the Cowichan Valley Regional District objectives of protecting, restoring and enhancing the natural environment and environmentally sensitive development. The tool specifically supports the strategic direction to develop a rainwater management strategy and to provide information and support to residents interested in watershed sensitive development,” stated Jeff Moore.

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YOU TUBE VIDEO: “Comox Vally will be our demonstration region for Water Balance Methodology accreditation,” stated Kim Stephens at Joint Staff Workshop

“We see there is a gap in practitioner education and professional development. Our objective is to create a pool of trained and qualified practitioners of the Water Balance Methodology. From a local government perspective, you need that assurance that what you are getting in the way of analyses is being completed correctly,” stated Kim Stephens.

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YOU TUBE VIDEO: “The Water Balance Express provide us with a means to engage and educate homeowners and the development community on what is possible,” concluded Glenn Westendorp, Town of Comox works superintendent

“Slow it – Sink it – Spread it. This simple saying summarizes the means by which we can manage Rain Water to alleviate both drought and flooding. This saying also summarizes the purpose behind the Water Balance Model Express,” stated Glenn Westendorp. “The Express allows home owners and small developers the ability to explore the means by which they can compensate for their effects on the environment and our aging infrastructure.”

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British Columbia and Cape Breton partnerships collaborate to implement “Water Balance Express for Membertou First Nation” (capture, sink & slow rainwater runoff)

“The Pitu’paq Partnership is a unique collaboration of Mi’kmaq and non-Mi’kmaq communities in Cape Breton Island, forming ten communities in all. The Pitu’paq Partnership learned early that in order to make good decisions about water, it needed to think like water. Water does not know boundaries of politics or culture, but it does hold the memory and tell the story of every contaminant we put into the land, air and water itself,” stated Laurie Suitor.

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