
Water Balance Workshop Series

Sustainable Rainwater Management: Regional District of Nanaimo hosted second in 2012-2013 series of “Water Balance Model Training Workshops”

“The workshop was an opportunity for planning, engineering and other local government staff – especially managers and supervisors – to gain an understanding and appreciation of core concepts: lighten the ‘water footprint’, achieve more at less cost, adapt to climate change, and protect stream and watershed health! Representatives from ten local governments from four regions on the east coast of Vancouver Island attended,” reported John Finnie.

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Sustainable Rainwater Management: Capital Regional District hosted third in 2012-2013 series of “Water Balance Model Training Workshops”

“CRD hosted the workshop because it informs and supports the goals of the region’s Integrated Watershed Management Implementation Strategy. Local governments have many competing priorities and everyone is challenged to achieve more with the same resources in order to reduce risk, improve watershed health and comply with regulatory requirements,” stated Dale Green.

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