
Backgrounder Series

BACKGROUNDER SERIES ON SUSTAINABLE WATERSHED SYSTEMS: Governments of Canada and British Columbia fund water balance tools and resources for climate adaptation action (September 2017)

“Local governments in British Columbia already face a $200 billion challenge for renewal of aging hard infrastructure. And now, as communities face the increasing impacts of climate change, there is another unfunded liability – the cost to restore watershed hydrology and water resilience in the built environment,” stated Kim Stephens. “British Columbia has arrived at a fork in the road. How, and how quickly, will communities respond? And how will they adapt over time to the New Normal? “

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BACKGROUNDER SERIES ON SUSTAINABLE WATERSHED SYSTEMS: What the “Whole-System, Water Balance Approach” means for Lowland Drainage in BC (May 2017)

“Many years ago, the province established a set of criteria which determined the level of drainage improvements that were deemed to be acceptable in terms of cost-benefit, and the ability to pay,” explains Ted van der Gulik. “The supporting analysis optimized the relationship between agricultural return on production and cost of drainage infrastructure investment. These have come to be known as ARDSA criteria. ”

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BACKGROUNDER SERIES ON SUSTAINABLE WATERSHED SYSTEMS: Peer-based Learning is Motivating and Powerful (released May 2017)

“The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) and Comox Valley presentations to our Regional Board were of high quality and relevant. Board members were fully engaged. Learning from each other is motivating and powerful,” stated Brian Carruthers, CAO, Cowichan Valley Regional District. “Those regions provide a range of experience that we can learn from: the RDN has a true region-wide service function; and Comox Valley has a watershed-based service.”

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BACKGROUNDER SERIES ON SUSTAINABLE WATERSHED SYSTEMS: IREI program goal is to embed ‘state-of-the-art’ hydrology in engineering ‘standard practice’ (April 2017)

“Not only does water shape topography over time, but it sustains flora and fauna through its various functions: rainwater interception, surface water retention, infiltration, surface flows, inter-flows, and groundwater containment,” stated Tim Pringle. “These systems share a critical characteristic – flow duration. The condition (degree of proper functioning) of each of the ecosystem functions provided by water may be described based on flow duration.”

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BACKGROUNDER SERIES ON SUSTAINABLE WATERSHED SYSTEMS: Policy, Program and Regulatory Context for the Whole-System, Water Balance Approach in British Columbia (released in April 2017)

“The BC Framework sets a strategic direction that would refocus business processes on outcomes that reduce life-cycle costs and risks,” stated the Hon. Peter Fassbender, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. “Successful implementation provincewide of ‘Sustainable Watershed Systems, through Asset Management’, would represent an evolution in how infrastructure is planned, financed, implemented and maintained in British Columbia.”

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BACKGROUNDER SERIES ON SUSTAINABLE WATERSHED SYSTEMS: Forester University Webinar on Protecting Urban Watersheds and Stream Health in British Columbia (released in April 2017)

“We are delighted to have Kim Stephens and Jim Dumont share British Columbia’s cutting-edge continuous simulation model, known as the Water Balance Methodology, in their upcoming, featured webinar,” stated Emily Shine. “At Forester University, we aim to position ourselves at the forefront of innovation in rainwater management and green infrastructure, and that is why we are calling Water Balance Methodology a webinar that cannot be missed.”

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BACKGROUNDER SERIES ON SUSTAINABLE WATERSHED SYSTEMS: Watershed Moments – Something really good is happening in British Columbia (released in April 2017)

“We cannot forget that there has been a huge investment in what we now know is an unsustainable status quo. Investment must now be shifted towards restoration that uses the forces of nature itself to help build more efficiently integrated infrastructure that as much as possible maintains itself. What a gift to the world that would be,” stated Bob Sandford. “If you want to live here in perpetuity, then you need to do this. Do not forget the urgency.”

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BACKGROUNDER SERIES ON SUSTAINABLE WATERSHED SYSTEMS: Cross-border collaboration would enhance water resources research and practice in North America (released in April 2017)

“British Columbia’s Water Balance Model is an outstanding initiative, and I think it is clearly unique in the way it has delivered technology for water resource practitioners on-line dating back to 2003,” stated Dr. Charles Rowney, Director of Operations for “We will certainly tap into the Water Balance Model experience as the Center explores options for SWMM and EPANET deployment beyond the desktop.”

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BACKGROUNDER SERIES ON SUSTAINABLE WATERSHED SYSTEMS: Governments of Canada and British Columbia fund Georgia Basin Inter-Regional Education Initiative (released in April 2017)

“Infrastructure is the foundation of the Canada we all want to build for tomorrow. Both large and small communities can find it challenging to fund much needed water and wastewater infrastructure, which is why the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund is so important. This latest round of approved projects will protect the environment and keep communities in British Columbia healthy,” stated the Hon. Amarjeet Sohi, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities.

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BACKGROUNDER SERIES ON SUSTAINABLE WATERSHED SYSTEMS: Stormwater Impacts Communities and Creeks-What Can Streamkeepers Do? (released in March 2017)

“Our objective in hosting the workshop was to raise awareness about ways to better manage rainwater runoff, maintain stream health and support watershed-based plans,” stated Barbara Frisken. “The workshop introduced community members to a vision for Sustainable Watershed Systems and what it means to value watersheds as infrastructure elements. Breakout groups then identified possible community actions for improving watersheds.”

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