
in 2005

FLASHBACK TO 2005: Handbook for Water-Sensitive Urban Design in Australia, edited by John Argue

WSUD is a term used in Australia to describe sustainable water cycle management in the urban landscape. To assist practitioners in designing rainwater source control measures, A Handbook for Australian Practice was published in 2005. Edited by Professor John Argue, the Handbook is a compilation of proven approaches that are aimed at solving everyday problems of small-scale rainwater management.

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CMHC Hosts First National Web Forum on Watershed and Rainwater Management

Organized by Cate Soroczan, the event was an information exchange amongst agencies from across the country. It was also precedent-setting in terms of laying the groundwork for future inter-provincial collaboration. Twenty-plus representatives from seven provinces participated, namely: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia.

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Rainwater Management Community-of-Interest:

COI Table of Contents – updated December 2009
This Community-of-Interest is the web-delivery vehicle for informing practitioners about the latest advancements in the state-of-the-practice for rainwater management.

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Drainage Planning in Britsh Columbia:

From a drainage planning perspective, “Sustainability” means Design with Nature to improve the Built Environment while at the same time protecting the Natural Environment. The desired outcome is to sustain community livability.

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