FLASHBACK TO 2011: United States EPA and City of Philadelphia signed the landmark “Green City, Clean Waters” partnership agreement to establish a national model for water balance restoration in the urban environment

Note to Reader:

A decade ago, Philadelphia developed a plan to transform the city. The plan envisions ‘peeling back’ a lot of the city’s concrete and asphalt and replace them with plants — rain gardens, green roofs, landscaped swales in parking lots, heavily planted boulevards, and small wetlands.

The vision: create a citywide mosaic of green infrastructure to capture and absorb the first inch of rainfall. To learn more, visit the Green City, Clean Waters homepage on the City of Philadelphia website: https://www.phila.gov/water/sustainability/greencitycleanwaters/Pages/default.aspx

GreenCity_giant sponge

EPA and Philadelphia signed $US 2 billion agreement to use Green Infrastructure to manage flows

Over a 25 year period, the Green City, Clean Waters partnership agreement will transform many of Philadelphia’s traditional hardened surfaces to green areas to better manage potentially harmful rainwater runoff pollution. In making the announcement in 2011, the signatories emphasized that this unique federal – city partnership is designed to ensure the success of the Green City, Clean Waters Plan and to present the plan as a national model for cities embracing green rainwater/stormwater infrastructure.

To Learn More:

To download a copy of the actual agreement, click on Green CIty, Clean Waters Partnership Agreement.

Green City, Clean Waters

“The Green City Clean Waters Plan is our proposal to revitalize our rivers and streams by managing stormwater in a way that provides multiple benefits. It will result in clean and beautiful waterways, a healthier environment and increased community value,” said Mayor Michale Nutter at the time of signing the agreement.

“The assistance of our many and diverse regulatory and public partners makes it the most cost effective investment of its kind in the country. Where other cities are challenged by very expensive commitments for tunnels, tanks and other gray infrastructure, we have worked with the state and the EPA to take this greener, more fiscally prudent approach that will realize multiple benefits.”

To Learn More:

To download a copy of the 2009 guiding document, click on Green City, Clean Waters.

An Adaptive Approach

The pact comes less than a month after New York state and New York City reached a final agreement calling for the city to invest $US187 million in the next three years in green infrastructure to control combined sewer overflows, with an estimated $2.4 billion investment over 18 years expected.

Green City Clean Waters is based upon an adaptive management approach that will identify and maximize green practices that achieve the most efficient and cost effective environmental goals for the City of Philadelphia.

To Learn More:

To read a story posted previously on the Water-Centric Planning community-of-interest, click on VIDEO: Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter presents “Green City, Clean Waters”