BACKGROUNDER SERIES ON SUSTAINABLE WATERSHED SYSTEMS: Peer-based Learning is Motivating and Powerful (released May 2017)

Creating a Legacy - Georgia Basin_Apr-2017

Inter-Regional Collaboration

Everyone learns from stories. In the world of local government, the most compelling are the stories of champions who are leading or pioneering changes in the way local government delivers services.

Over the past decade, there has been cross-pollinating of ideas and approaches within the five regions that are collaborating under the umbrella of the Georgia Basin Inter-Regional Educational Initiative (IREI).

Vancouver Island regional districts share successes
and challenges in protecting water resources

In April 2017, the Cowichan Valley Regional District hosted a meeting of mid-Vancouver Island regional districts (Cowichan Valley, Nanaimo Region and Comox Valley). The three regional districts are IREI partners.

Although not ground-breaking, the story of this inter-regional gathering is nonetheless newsworthy because:

  • demonstrates collaboration in action;
  • is about sharing successes and challenges in protecting water resources at the watershed and regional levels; and
  • underscores why peer-based learning is motivating and powerful.

The unique dimension to this example of inter-regional sharing and learning were the presentations by staff from the two other regions to Cowichan Valley elected representatives.

To Learn More:

Download Peer-based Learning is Motivating and Powerful– Moving Towards “Sustainable Watershed Systems, through Asset Management”
