BACKGROUNDER SERIES ON SUSTAINABLE WATERSHED SYSTEMS: Watershed Moments – Something really good is happening in British Columbia (released in April 2017)


“Restorative development is within your grasp. You know what to do. Go do it,” urged Bob Sandford

Bob Sandford is frequently a keynote speaker at ‘water events’ in British Columbia, including Feast AND Famine (Metro Vancouver, 2015) and FLOWnGROW (Okanagan, 2016). He is the EPCOR Chair for Water and Climate Security, United Nations University Institute.

Bob-Sandford_2017_120pIn March 2017, he spoke on Vancouver Island at the Comox Valley Eco-Asset Symposium: Climate Change, Nature’s Services and Thinking Like a Watershed. He delivered both a keynote address and closing reflections on what he had heard.

Bob Sandford’s ongoing exposure to the sharing and learning that takes place at these events provides him with an observers’ perspective on the transformational impact of such ‘watershed moments’ and how watershed systems thinking is taking root in British Columbia.

To Learn More:

Download Watershed Moments: Something really good is happening in British Columbia – Moving Towards “Sustainable Watershed Systems, through Asset Management”

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