FLASHBACK TO 2003: BC Inter-Governmental Partnership previewed look-and-feel of "Water Balance Model for British Columbia" at Partners Forum hosted by Greater Vancouver Regional District in Burnaby (June 2003)
Note to Reader:
In July 2002, the Inter-Governmental Partnership (IGP) was formed to implement the Water Balance Model for British Columbia. The project was then initiated with a kick-off workshop in November 2002.
By June 2003, work was sufficiently advanced that the IGP convened a Partners Forum to preview the work-in-progress. This preceded the formal launch at the Annual Convention of the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM).
The forum was hosted by Metro Vancouver (formerly known as the Greater Vancouver Regional District) on June 18, 2003. The forum was the event of record for ratifying the policy and operational framework developed by the IGP’s User Needs Focus Group, an inter-regional and inter-governmental technical committee.
2003 Water Balance Forum for Signatory Partners
The Partners Forum was structured in two parts. Part 1 provided the partners with an update on the big picture. Part 2 drilled down into the details of the online tool.
“The original plan was based on a typical approach to software development. By that I mean Water Balance users would have received a CD,” stated Ted van der Gulik, Chair of the Inter-Governmental Partnership (IGP).
“Under the original plan, conversion to an online tool would have been Phase 4. But the funding provided by the Real Estate Foundation enabled the IGP to be bold and go straight to web-based technology in Phase 1.”
“Use of the Water Balance Model will inform the design process. The goal is to change land development practices so that sites and subdivisions function hydrologically like a natural forest,” emphasized Ted van der Gulik.
Application of Performance Targets
“By developing the Water Balance Model, the IGP is meeting its mission of providing local governments and landowners with a ‘decision support and scenario modeling tool’ that is interactive and scientifically defensible,” continued Laura Maclean (Environment Canada), IGP Co-Chair.
“More to the point, use of the tool will help them meet performance targets for runoff volume reduction.”
“Because it facilitates scenario modelling, application of the Water Balance Model provides the means to demonstrate how to meet performance targets for water balance management at the site, neighbourhood and watershed scales.”
“The next step is to derive feasibility and affordability relationships.”
“Once we got into Part 2 of the forum, this topic generated considerable discussion, in part because there were new players at the table.”
“For developed watersheds the overall targets will be different than the 10% volume target that applies to greenfield sites.”
“Use of the WBM will help local governments determine what watershed target may be achievable and affordable over time through land redevelopment,” concluded Laura Maclean.
Outreach & Continuing Education Program
“The continuing support of the Real Estate Foundation will enable the IGP to promote a change in thinking that will see the application of the WBM become standard practice when making land use decisions,” stated Kim Stephens, IGP Coordinator.
“Through an outreach and continuing education program,training modules will be developed for a range of target audiences. These comprise elected representatives, local government planners and engineers, developers and the consulting community.”
“Target audiences also include community stewardship groups and citizens advisory groups.”
To Learn More:
Download Record of 2003 Water Balance Partners Forum.
Download 3-Year Vision for Water Balance Model Evolution.
Download 2003 Water Balance Partners Forum to view a PDF copy of the PowerPoint storyline that informed the discussion.