Beyond the Guidebook 2010: Rollout followed keynote address by Premier Gordon Campbell at "State of Vancouver Island Economic Summit" (Oct)
Note to Readers:
The rollout of Beyond the Guidebook 2010 commenced on September 27th at the 2010 annual convention of local governments. During the week of October 25, there were presentations at three regional events, including the 2010 State of the Island Economic Summit. This flagship event welcomed over 400 business, First Nations, Government, Youth and Education Leaders at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo.
Water for Life & Livelihoods
“Hard work is no stranger to visionaries Kim Stephens, John Finnie, Kathy Bishop, Eric Bonham and Tim Pringle. Major breakthroughs happen when decision-makers in government work with grass-roots visionaries in the community to create desired outcomes,” stated Cori Lynn Germiquet, then President of the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (VIEA), conference host.
“This 5-person team conducted a session titled Water for Life and Livelihoods: What Drives Large-Scale Real Estate Development in the Mid-Island Region. Their session followed the Keynote Address by Premier Gordon Campbell. He set a tone for the breakout session with his call to action.”
Convening for Action
“We designed our interactive session on land development and water sustainability to inform and educate participants about a new form of governance that is taking root in the local government setting on Vancouver. It is inclusive, engaging and very effective. It starts with a vision: settlement change in balance with ecology,” explains Eric Bonham, a founding member of the CAVI Leadership Team and a former Director in two provincial Ministries.
“It is about turning the whole game around to a new way of doing business. When ‘convening for action’, we create a picture of the future that we want. The future desired by all will be created through alignment of federal, provincial, regional and local policies and actions.”
We Can Create Our Future
“Raising our province up locally and from the community level and regional level is what is really going to be the most success for us. And as we do that, I would like to encourage all of you to think of the incredible asset that we have here on Vancouver Island. I like to call it the great, green island,” stated Premier Gordon Campbell. In his keynote address, the Premier connected the dots to the collaboration theme in Beyond the Guidebook 2010.
“There is a great window that is open for us today. It’s a window that asks us to see the future that we want to create. But as every month and every year that window gets a little narrower, it is going to require all of us to think now about what we want to be.”
“We can be an example of the environment working together with the economy to strengthen and improve the quality of life of all the people who live here. We have to do some things differently.”
“We have to say to ourselves…what do you want Vancouver Island to be like in 20 years from now? What are the decisions we have to make today to make sure that we can reach that vision 20 years from now?”
Link to YouTube Video:
To view the video clip on YouTube of Premier Campbell speaking to the vision for collaboration:
Collaboration and Shared Responsibility are Essential
“Collaboration is essential. We also have to bring people together. If we find a common purpose that we are pursuing together, there really is nothing that we cannot accomplish. At the end of the day, it is up to each of us as a citizen to take responsibility for helping to shape that vision.”
“How do we that? We do it week in and week out. Reach out and find ways to accomplish things together. We can strengthen our province. We can build communities that are enjoyable and attractive. There is an opportunity for us to come together and do something that is truly exceptional.”
Have the Tenacity to Pursue the Vision
“Look long term. Think about what is best for the future. Not for you, but for those who will follow you. Think about how we can create a better environment that others can live in and benefit from.”
“We get to make our own choices. We get to make our own future. We just have to have the vision to imagine, and the tenacity to pursue it. Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Those who came before us helped create the magic of Vancouver Island.”
“Today, we have the opportunity to create the magic of the future for our children and grand-children. A future with a great environment that’s clean and healthy. A future with communities that are strong and resilient in the face of change. Those dreams can be realized by working together.”
Living Water Smart, BC’s Water Plan & Beyond the Guidebook 2010
“It is important to recognize that Premier Campbell has demonstrated that he is a ‘water champion’. His vision and passion for water made possible Living Water Smart, BC’s Water Plan,” stated Kim Stephens, Executive Director with the Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC. His responsibilities include program delivery for the Water Sustainability Action Plan.
“The Action Plan is a primary implementation interface with local government. The Action Plan program demonstrates what can be achieved through a ‘top down and bottom up’ strategy. Beyond the Guidebook 2010 describes how water sustainability can and will be achieved through implementation of green infrastructure policies and practices. Getting there relies on a change in mind-set.”
To Learn More:
To view the video clip on YouTube of Kim Stephens explaining Beyond the Guidebook 2010 at the Summit breakout session: