Beyond the Guidebook 2015: How to Use This Guidance Document

Note to Reader:

Structured in four parts, ‘Beyond the Guidebook 2015’ meets the information needs of different audiences. Local government case study experience provides guidance for a collaborative approach to developing integrated solutions that are effective and affordable, create a legacy, and achieve three cascading objectives:

  • Watershed Health: Protect and/or restore hydrologic integrity
  • Resilient Rainwater Management: Mimic the natural water balance
  • Sustainable Service Delivery: Integrate natural systems thinking and adaptation to a changing climate into asset management

The table below presents a concise overview of the four parts. It is followed by a synopsis of the scope of each part.

To download a copy of Beyond the Guidebook 2015, click on this link:

BYGB2015_scope of 4 partsPart A – Restore Watershed Health in the Built Environment

Part A is written for the busy reader. It provides the ‘big picture’ regarding processes and accomplishments over the past two decades. These have encouraged and are helping to instil an integrated land-and-water ethic in the local government setting.

The 2014 Across Canada Workshop Series on Resilient Rainwater Management provided an opportunity for reflection about, and organization of, “the BC storyline” for the evolution of a collaborative approach in the local government setting.

Part A introduces and describes the core elements of this “BC storyline”. It is structured in a number of theme areas.

Part A sets the scene for Parts B, C and D by introducing what is most important in each part.

Part B – Align with Provincial Policy & Regulatory Framework

Part B is written for those who wish to understand the regulatory context in BC. It describes provincial drivers for achieving the Watershed Health Goal (i.e. “create a legacy”):

Together, these drivers constitute a policy, program and regulatory framework that enables implementation of watershed-based solutions. But they require integration and coordination to be effective in achieving the Watershed Health Goal.

During the late 1960s, BC began its multi-faceted and ongoing journey towards sustainability. Notable milestone years in this journey are 2003 (‘the teachable year’), 2008 (‘the call to action’) and 2014 (‘the springboard to implementation’). A unifying theme for these three milestone years is build greener communities.

Part C – Influence the Form and Function of the Built Environment

Part C is written for those who wish to understand what constitutes the Water Sustainability Action Plan for BC, and how Action Plan initiatives influence practitioners in the local government setting.

The Action Plan provides a partnership umbrella for those who wish to align actions at the regional and local scales with provincial policy and related program objectives.

The Action Plan track record demonstrates what can be accomplished when champions in the local government setting embrace the notion of Shared Responsibility and collaborate for the greater good.

The Action Plan has guided the development of web-based tools that support implementation of standards of practice that will maintain or restore healthy watersheds and streams.

Part D – Local Governments are “Convening for Action” in the Georgia Basin

Part D is written for land use, water resource and infrastructure professionals who are interested in and wish to understand the work of local government champions, both organizations and individuals.

We all learn from stories and the most compelling ones are based on the experiences of those who are leading in their communities.

The members of the Inter-Regional Leadership Team are champions. They are collaborating across regions and leading the move from awareness to action to implement watershed-based solutions.

The five collaborating regions view the Watershed Health Goal through complementary lenses that together form a complete picture. These lenses are watershed plan effectiveness, watershed health assessment, climate change adaptation, sustainable service delivery, and sustainable partnerships.

To Learn More:

To download a copy of Beyond the Guidebook 2015, click on this link:

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