Towards Watershed Sustainability: Implement 'Design with Nature' practices to build green and resilient communities in British Columbia (Beyond the Guidebook 2015)

Note to Reader:

The article below is extracted from Part B of Beyond the Guidebook 2015. Part B is titled Align with Provincial Policy & Regulatory Framework.

Part B is written for those who wish to understand the regulatory context in BC. It describes provincial drivers for achieving the Watershed Health Goal (i.e. “create a legacy”).

The following excerpt from Part B was contributed by Cathy LeBlanc, Intergovernmental Relations and Planning Branch, Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural DevelopmentTo download a PDF copy of the entire extract, click on Adaptive Communities are Resilient Communities.

BYGB 2015_from Fig 15 in Part B

“Adaptive Communities are Resilient Communities,” wrote the Province’s Cathy LeBlanc

BC communities have already experienced the impacts of a changing climate such as flooding, drought, wildfire and more frequent and intense storms.  The extent and costs of these events have been significant.

“Successful adaptation does not mean that impacts will not occur, only that they will be less severe than would have been experienced had no adaptation occurred,” say D. S. Lemmen, F. J. Warren and J. Lacroix. 

Planning for a Changing Climate

Some communities are already anticipating and adapting to this “new normal”, and they are using existing planning legislation and tools. Being able to start with good information about projected future conditions is key to assessing the risks and vulnerabilities of a particular location.

BYGB 2015_Plan2Adapt_from Fig 15

Each Community is Different

“We worked in partnership with Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium to make the regional climate science maps and data projections available to communities through the Plan2Adapt interactive web tool,” says Cathy LeBlanc, Intergovernmental Relations and Planning Branch, Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development.

Cathy-Leblanc_120p“Communities can use the science projections to figure out what is happening (i.e. climate variables), so what (i.e. impacts) and then what (i.e. affected sectors). Each community is different and by developing its own strategies for mainstreaming adaptation into its decisions and operations, it will become more resilient.”

“Collaborating with other communities and partners, using key adaptation resources, and mainstreaming activities, will help to increase community resilience, concludes Cathy LeBlanc.

To Learn More:

Extracted from Part B of Beyond the Guidebook 2015, the summary below identifies strategic resources that the Province of BC developed and/or sponsored through collaboration to help achieve the goals for resilient communities. 

To download a copy of Beyond the Guidebook 2015, click on this link:

BYGB 2015_page 34_7 strategic resources