FLASHBACK TO 2007: Linda Pechacek represented the Urban Water Resources Research Council at Water Balance Model Partners Forum


Natural Systems Approach to Rainwater Management

While British Columbia has been experiencing enhanced social and economic well-being, it has also experienced avoidable cumulative environmental impacts, due to pressures on land and water resources.

The desire to mitigate environmental impacts has provided a driver for the ‘green infrastructure’ movement in British Columbia. This movement is water-centric, is founded on a natural systems approach, and is influencing infrastructure policies, practices and standards.

The Inter-Governmental Partnership held a Water Balance Model Partners Forum in March 2007 so that Partners could share success stories and lessons learned in implementing green infrastructure.

Shift Towards Web-Based Tools

Special guests at the Partners Forum included Liliana Bozic (City of Calgary), Chair of the Alberta Low Impact Development Partnership (ALIDP); Dr. Charles Rowney, the designated Scientific Authority for the Water Balance Model; and Linda Pechacek (from Houston, Texas), representing the Urban Water Resources Research Council.Linda Pechacek_Texas_120p

“Once the IGP had invited me to be a member of its Expert Advisory Panel, I  decided to attend your Water Balance Model Partners Forum because I am very interested in your approach to mitigate environmental impacts associated with urbanization”, Linda Pechacek informed the Partners.

“The virtual office model has facilitated a shift toward web-based design and project management tools, and the application of these new technologies relies upon the full engagement of creativity with constructive critical review.  These competing strategies meld into working protocols that, at some point, translate into new models, guidelines, criteria or standards.   I am looking forward to the technology transfer opportunity this interaction with British Columbia represents.”

About Linda Pechacek

Ms. Pechacek’s practice in water resources include both engineering and environmental science disciplines. Her chosen areas relate to quantity and quality aspects of runoff, as reflected by her direct work experience: integrated stormwater master plans, stormwater modeling, stormwater permit and compliance evaluations, stormwater sampling and data collection, and urban drainage/hydrology. Ms. Pechacek has direct work experience in both municipal public works and consulting engineering arenas. Houston-based, she is the President of LDP Consultants Inc.

To Learn More:

To read the complete and comprehensive story about the 2007 Forum, click on Inter-Governmental Partnership Rolls Out ‘Beyond the Guidebook’ at Water Balance Model Forum