Beyond the Guidebook 2015: Time-Line for Comox Valley shows how "regional team approach" has evolved over past decade

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Convening for Action in the Comox Valley

Three regional strategies provide both a policy framework and a backdrop for inter-governmental collaboration in the Comox Valley:

  • Nature Without Borders (2008)
  • Regional Growth Strategy (2010)
  • Regional Sustainability Strategy (2010)

“Adoption of the regional strategies has resulted in much for municipal staffs to absorb and digest about doing business differently, while at the same time they are tasked with keeping the wheels of government rolling to meet ongoing commitments,” stated Kevin Lagan, former Director of Operational Services for the City of Courtenay. Kevin Lagan (120p)

“Because water sustainability is achieved through implementation of green infrastructure practices, the Comox Valley-CAVI Regional Team convenes for action around this paradigm: Water is the finite resource; however, management of development is the control.”

To Download the Time-Line:

CLICK HERE to download a pdf copy of Figure 28 from Beyond the Guidebook 2015. This is complete with a colour-coding legend.

To download a copy of the entire 158-page Beyond the Guidebook 2015, click on this link:

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