Beyond the Guidebook 2015: Capital Region’s Dale Green looks into the future and foreshadows the 'Regional Team Approach – Looking Ahead'

Note to Reader:

Released in November 2015, Beyond the Guidebook 2015 is the third in a series that builds on Stormwater Planning: A Guidebook for British ColumbiaBy applying the Water Balance Methodology, the Guidebook vision is that community development activities and further alteration of the built environment would result in cumulative benefits, not impacts. In 2002, the Guidebook identified a path forward for local governments.

The ‘Beyond the Guidebook Series’ documents the progress of local government champions who are leading implementation of practices that would restore hydrologic integrity after land is urbanized.

Convening for Action in the Capital Region of Vancouver Island

Beyond-Guidebook-2015_final_bold border_Nov_240pStructured in four parts, ‘Beyond the Guidebook 2015’ is a progress report on how local governments on the east coast of Vancouver Island and in the Lower Mainland are ‘learning by doing’ to implement affordable and effective science-based practices.

Part D tells five regional stories, including that for the Capital region. At the conclusion, Dale Green provided his reflections by writing an op-end on what is being achieved through the region’s Integrated Watershed Management process. He is the Program Supervisor for the Capital Regional District’s Integrated Watershed Management Program.

There are no passengers on spaceship earth.  We are all crew – Marshall McLuhan

Dale Green_2015_trimmed1_120p“From this chapter, the reader should have a sense of the rapid realignment of our program’s focus and the work still to be done,” wrote Dale Green. “This took the effort and contribution of the entire program team, as well as our municipal champions and community stewards.  Significant effort was put into creating a vision of the program future and at the same time ensuring that the service we deliver to protect watersheds, biodiversity and ecosystem health is effective in terms of benefits as well as cost.”

To Learn More:

To download a copy of Beyond the Guidebook 2015, click on this link:

To download a copy of the complete op-ed by Dale Green, click on Regional Team Approach – Looking Ahead.

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