Resilient Rainwater Management: An Introduction to the 2014 Across Canada Workshop Series
Resilient Rainwater Management: Across Canada Workshop Series
Funded by the Climate Change Adaptation Project at the University of Waterloo in 2014, the Across Canada Workshop Series on Resilient Rainwater Management: Adapting to a Changing Climate introduced audiences in Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes to the case study experience of BC local government champions who are leading implementation of ‘design with nature’ practices.
The Across Canada Series has provided an informed basis for comparing BC’s approach with initiatives in other provinces.
About the Series Title, Focus and Branding
The series was branded as an opportunity for Across Canada audiences to learn about BC’s collaborative and adaptive approach to protecting and restoring watershed health.
“We had to be sensitive to what worked for each of our Across Canada partners. They had to show that it would be worthwhile for their target audiences to take a day away from work. So, how we messaged the series became crucial. For the title, we chose resilient over sustainable because it represents the Shifting Baseline vision for restoring watersheds,” reports Ted van der Gulik, Partnership President.
Ability for Recovery
“Sustainable and resilient are complementary terms that draw attention to the future, and help focus thought and action. However, use of resilient more clearly shines the spotlight on Context, Intent and Results,” states Erik Karlsen, former Director of Regional Growth Strategies, BC Ministry of Municipal Affairs. “Sustainable refers to attaining certain conditions in the context of social, economic and environmental considerations. Resilient in a biological sense is primarily the ability for an ecosystem to recover from an intervention.”
To Learn More:
To download a copy of the Final Draft of the program, click on Resilient Rainwater Management: Across Canada Workshop Series on Adapting to a Changing Climate. Also, click on the image below.
The program elaborates on each of four modules, presents the bios for the 3-person BC presentation team, and explains what “Watershed Health Goal” means in BC.