Vision for "Water Balance Model Express" introduced to Metro Vancouver politicians in September 2011


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The Region Has Committed to Protecting Watershed Health

In September 2011, the Metro Vancouver Region’s Waste Management Committee invited Kim Stephens, Executive Director of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC, to inform and educate regional politicians about an initiative that would address the ‘missing link’ in protecting stream and watershed health. This presentation set the scene for asking for financial support from Metro Vancouver to develop the Water Balance Model Express for Homeowners.

How to Meet Regulatory Commitments

“The region and member municipalities have committed to protecting stream and watershed health. This will be achieved by managing rain where it falls, stated Kim Stephens. “Stream health depends on ALL properties in a watershed. We have known this since the 1990s.”

Kim stephens (120p) - 2009“The ‘missing link’ has been the single family detached dwelling. We now have the tools and experience to manage rain where it falls. Addition of the WBM Express to the toolkit will help municipal front counter staff show homeowners HOW to reduce their Water Footprint.”

“The vision for the WBM Express is that homeowners will be able to type in their address, access a version of the WBM that has pre-set values (for climate, land use), select and apply from a suite of source controls for rainfall capture, run scenarios, and print a report.”

“The ultimate target actually audience goes well beyond homeowners. The Partnership sees the WBM Express as a vehicle to connect with builders, developers, consultants, real estate agents and students/educators.”

“The WBM Express will open the door to an array of educational opportunities. It will be a resource for developers and others to help the public understand the effect of their choices and decisions on the natural environment,” concluded Kim Stephens.

To Learn More:

To read the complete story posted elsewhere on the Rainwater Management community-of-interest, click on Vision for “Water Balance Model Express” introduced to elected representatives in Metro Vancouver.

To download the briefing document that provided the basis for the grant funding request, click on The Region Has Committed to Protecting Watershed Health

To download a PDF copy of the PowerPoint presentation by Kim Stephens, click on Regional Commitments and Minister’s Conditions for ISMPs

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