Sustainable Stormwater Demonstration site at Cynwyd Station, Pennsylvania




More than just a rain garden: an innovative rainwater harvesting system will complete the green renovation of an historic train station

“The Lower Merion Historical Society of Pennsylvania has launched a grassroots endeavor to green a historic property as efficiently as possible, and on a dime.  It will be used as a case study and classroom on how to employ innovative and cost-effective strategies to green and renovate historic properties,” reports Sarah Francis, the Society’s Public Relations Chairman.

“The Cynwyd Train Station is a historic structure built by the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1890. A project goal is to manage the stormwater runoff that is polluting Vine Creek, a tributary of the Schuylkill River (and source of Philladelphia’s drinking water supply) and one of the highlights of the Cynwyd Heritage Trail.”

“The most impressive element of the initiative is its innovative, multifunctional rainwater harvesting system, designed specifically for the station. As a highly visible amenity in the community, the system will also serve as a the first and only demonstration project on sustainable rainwater and stormwater systems in the township.”


To Learn More:

To take a video tour with Sarah Francis, click on Sustainable Stormwater Demonstration site at Cynwyd Station.