City of Kelowna Encourages Citizens to Adopt-a-Stream


A Commitment to the Environment

Kelowna residents looking for a feel-good activity are being encouraged to participate in the City of Kelowna’s Adopt-a-Stream program.

The Adopt-a-Stream program runs in the spring and fall, giving organizations, families, individuals, clubs and community groups the opportunity to assist the City in keeping Kelowna’s streams healthy.

“Groups help our streams by picking up litter and debris, removing noxious weeds and painting yellow fish on storm drains to raise awareness about the sensitivity of our watershed,” says program coordinator Summer Bracey. “The program requires that an organization adopt a portion of a stream to care for – for at least two years.”

The Adopt-a-Stream program encourages organizations to make a commitment to our environment. Healthy streams, even very small ones, are an asset to the community. Streams and stream corridors provide 85 per cent of wildlife species with habitat, plus valuable spawning and rearing areas for fish. They affect drinking water and have a large influence on recreational water quality.

Posted April 2011