City of Victoria Identifies Benefits of Implementing a Stormwater Utility



Policy Framework

The proposal for creating a new stormwater utility, similar to a water or sewer utility, has been endorsed by the City of Victoria’s environment and infrastructure committee.

The proposed utility would create a dedicated source of funding for rehabilitation and replacement of infrastructure, provide the ability to encourage environmentally friendly rainwater management projects, result in greater potential to tap into green infrastructure grants, and give the City the ability to build-up reserves.


Sustainable Drainage Program

“Creation of a Stormwater Utility will place the City among leading municipalities in Canada by creating a sustainable program to fund and maintain the stormwater system so that future generations will have a well maintained system that protects the surrounding environment,” stated Ed Robertson, Assistant Director of Engineering, in his report to Council.

“Those moneys that go in there are no longer on your general taxes, they’re on your utility bill. So people will know exactly what they end up paying for,” adds Kim Fowler, the City’s Director of Sustainability.

Kim fowler (120p) - city of victoria“It gives us much more administrative authority to govern incentives and provide different rates for better services. So if people use a lot they’re going to pay more. If someone puts in some sustainable systems and actually reduce that significantly, as we’ve done on Dockside Green, then we can give them a lower utility rate.”

Once the concept is approved by Council, a public engagement and education process will begin.


To Learn More:

To download a copy of the Staff Report, click on City of Victoria – Staff Report on Creation of Stormwater Utility

Also, click on Mayor talks up benefits of stormwater utility


Posted February 2011