Water Balance Model now resides within the 'Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia', a non-profit society

Water balance model is about a way of thinking

A Legal Entity for the Water Balance Model

In 2002, an Inter-Governmental Partnership (IGP) was formed to develop and maintain the Water Balance Model for Canada (WBM). This scenario modelling and WBM powered by qualhymo logo (160p)decision support tool was created to provide information to a multiple users with wide range of technical backgrounds; ranging from little technical knowledge to hydrologic experts.

The Water Balance Model is a core element of the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia, released in February 2004, Furthermore, it is one of the ‘twin engines’ driving an outreach and continuing education program that is building leadership capacity in the local government setting. The other ‘twin engine’ is the Water Bucket website.

A Non-Profit Society

Ted van der gulik (100p) - 2005 photo“An essential part of the plan for ensuring the long-term sustainability of the Water Balance Model is the creation of a legal entity where the tool will reside permanently. This action has now been completed,” reports Ted van der Gulik, IGP Chair.

“In November 2010, the ‘convening for action’ partners incorporated the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia, an autnonomous and non-profit society. The Water Balance Model now resides within the society.”

The Partnership for Water Sustainability

Founded upon the principle of collaboration, the Partnership is building on and continuing the work that has gone on before under the umbrella of the Water Sustainability Action Plan.

“Formation of the society is a pivotal milestone in the history of the WBM. Over the years, various people have asked us who owns the WBM. Now when we answer ‘the Partnership owns it’, it will be crystal clear to everyone that the Partnership is in fact a legal entity. This evolution is important to our funders becauses it increases our ability to obtain grants for ongoing enhancement of WBM capabilities,” continues Ted van der Gulik.

Implementing a New Culture

“Now that we have a legal entity, we can take a longer term view to ensure the sustainability and longevity of the entire ‘convening for action’ initiative, not just the WBM. This longer term view encompasses the ‘next generation’ of an outreach and continuing education program. We envision that this program would leverage  Beyond the Guidebook 2010: Implementing a New Culture for Watershed Protection and Restoration in British Columbia.”

“Beyond the Guidebook 2010 is the story of what has been accomplished by the champions in local government, on the ground, over the past decade. Beyond the Guidebook 2010 provides guidance for developing outcome-oriented urban watershed plans.”

Green Infrastructure that Protects Stream Health

“Because it is a decision support tool, the WBM can help local governments establish watershed-specific performance targets; and implement green infrastructure solutions that are effective in protecting stream health, fish habitat and fish.”

“The Partnership will be proactive in collaborating with local governments to build practitioner leadership to ‘design with nature’ so that communities can adapt to climate change,” concludes Ted van der Gulik.

More About Convening for Action

To learn more about the Partnership genesis and desired outcomes in “convening for action” under the umbrella of the Water Sustainainability Action Plan for British Columbia to create a future desired by all, click on the following links:

Why the water balance model