Re-Inventing Rainwater Management in the Capital Region: The pollution problem we can't save for a rainy day



Rainwater runoff harming the urban landscape, according to new study

“When it rains on the West Coast, the last thing most people think is that it’s bad for the environment,” writes Mark Hume in an article published by the Globe and Mail. “But a new study by the Environmental Law Clinic at the University of Victoria makes it clear just how harmful stormwater can be when it washes across an urban landscape.”

“It’s an impressive piece of work, which lays out a blueprint for achieving dramatic change in the way rainwater runoff is managed.”

To read the complete article, click on The pollution problem we can’t save for a rainy day.


Re-Inventing Rainwater Management

Released in February 2010, “Re-Inventing Rainwater Management” documents how ‘green’ rainwater management has now been adopted by engineers, developers, Re-Inventing rainwater management - cover (180p)planners and governments across North America.

The report also demonstrates that ‘Design with Nature’ approaches and Low Impact Development techniques are environmentally superior, and often are cheaper. In addition, they can provide incalculable benefits.

To download a copy and learn much more, click on Re-Inventing Rainwater Management: A Strategy to Protect Health and Restore Nature in the Capital Region.


To Learn More:

Click on the links below to access other stories published on the Water Bucket website:

“Traditional stormwater management broke the natural water cycle,” states Calvin Sandborn, Legal Director of the Environmental Law Clinic at the University of Victoria.

“In contrast, modern rainwater management looks at the dynamics of the entire watershed and identifies how development can use ‘green infrastructure’ to maintain natural systems and protect buildings.”


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   Posted March 2010