Four largest cities in Alberta and British Columbia are "Water Balance Model Partners"
Inter-Provincial Collaboration
In 2008, the British Columbia Inter-Governmental Partnership (BCIGP) and Alberta Low Impact Development Partnership (ALIDP) formalized an Inter-Provincial Partnership to advance green infrastructure practices that achieve water sustainability outcomes.
The BCIGP and ALIDP had been collaborating on an informal basis since 2004. It was the Water Balance Model for Canada that brought the two provincial groups together.
Partnership Mission
The mission of the Inter-Provincial Partnership is to provide land and water practitioners with the tools and experience that will enable communities to prepare for climate change, choose to live water smart, and build greener communities.
The Water Balance Model supports the over-arching policy framework that is now in place within each province.
City of Edmonton Announcement
“The Inter-Provincial Partnership is pleased to announce that the City of Edmonton has become a Water Balance Model Partner. This means that the four largest cities in our two provinces are partners,” states Ted van der Gulik, Chair.
“In 2002, the City of Surrey and City of Vancouver were founding members when the BCIGP was formed. In 2006, the City of Calgary became a Water Balance Model Partner.”
The City ‘s Perspective
“The City of Edmonton is one of the founding members of the Alberta Low Impact Development Partnership,” states Dr. Lyndon Gyurek of the City of Edmonton. Dr. Gyurek is Senior Environmental Engineer in Environmental Planning, Drainage Services. He is also ALIDP Treasurer.
“The process of evolving current design practices for neighbourhoods, roadways, and the minor/major drainage system to manage the total volume – in addition to the peak rate of urban runoff – requires tools for planning and engineered site design. The Water Balance Model is one such tool that can help City land use, transportation, drainage and park planners to develop integrated urban design plans at the higher-level or watershed scale.”
“And for the neighbourhood and lot-level scale, the City is excited to be advancing the science of LID design by developing in 2010 its own suite of LID design guidelines and manuals specific to Edmonton’s climate and soil conditions.”
To Learn More:
To read the complete story, click on Inter-Provincial Partnership announces that City of Edmonton is the newest Water Balance Model Partner
Original story posted in January 2010
This abridged version posted in March 2010