Use of porous pavers in Ohio: Architect's building in touch with environment in the Chagrin River watershed
“When landscape architect Craig Cawrse set out to construct a new building for his business in South Russell, Ohio, he also embarked on an effort to make it sensitive to the environment and to his residential neighbors,” writes Joan Demirjian in an article published online by the Chagrin Valley Times.
“It was a 2 1/2-year effort… The parking lot around the new 6,800-square-foot building of is built entirely with porous pavers. The pavers allow rainwater and snow to seep back into the ground and into a nearby swale, instead of running off and flooding adjacent lands.”
“Mr. Carse said the porous parking lot is one of the first in the area. They are used more extensively in Europe and Canada, he said.”
To read the complete story, click on Architect's building in touch with environment.
Posted November 2009