Capital Regional District hosts workshop on Puget Sound experience related to "Low Impact Development"


WSU pierce county extension - lid graphic

In August 2009 the CRD hosted a two-day technical workshop on Low Impact Development (LID) rainwater management techniques. The workshop was organized in collaboration with Washington State University Pierce County Extension. The workshop covered these topics:

  • Introduction to LID
  • Bioretention basics – types, basic structures and functions, trends in applications and functions, design examples
  • Permeable pavements – types, trends in applications and functions, performance, design examples
  • LID strategies for reducing combined sewer overflows
  • Bioretention soil mix
  • Hydraulic modeling and facility sizing – continuous vs. event-based modeling, effects of soils with low infiltration rates, available modeling tools
  • Water quality treatments – mechanisms and performance
  • Case studies in the Pacific Northwest
  • Tour of LID techniques at UVic

“The  workshop provided participants with the current state of knowledge and in-depth technical information needed to properly design, build, inspect, and  maintain bioretention and permeable pavement facilities,” reports Brianne Czypyha, Environmental Science Officer with the CRD.

For more information and to download a set of PowerPoint presentations, click on this link to Low Impact Development Workshop


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Posted September 2009