Going green in Central Saanich: developer takes initiative to return rainwater to the ground


In an article published in the Victoria Times-Colonist newspaper, Pedro Arrais writes that: “By introducing rain gardens into their subdivision projects, home developers and builders are striving to reduce the impact of home construction on Holly farm townhome development in central saanichlocal watersheds and help lower municipal infrastructure and maintenance costs at the same time.”

The article quotes Gordon English of Genco Construction, a builder who has adopted Low Impact Development practices in several of his projects, including the Holly Farm Townhomes project in Central Saanich at the north end of Brentwood Bay: “It wasn't a municipal requirement at the time, but we wanted to do it for the right reasons.”


About the Holly Farm Townhome Development

The Holly Farm development was a big winner at the 2007 CARE Awards, bringing home the Gold in three categories. It earned builders Dennis Dale and Gordon English the Award for Outdoor Environmental Achievement, Best Multi-family Townhouse Project and the Built Green Builder of the Year at the event hosted by the Canadian Home Builders Association of Vancouver Island.


Posted May 2009