Chilliwack Policy and Design Criteria Manual for Surface Water Management

The City of Chillwack's Manual was developed through an inter-departmental and inter-agency process that also included community participation. Through this process, the group developed a common understanding regarding core concepts. This resulted in consensus on the vision and the direction of the Manual, particularly with respect to the framework that the Manual provides for future rainwater-related action in the City of Chilliack. The Manual replaced the drainage section of the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw. The Manual was developed as a case study application of “Stormwater Planning: A Guidebook for British Columbia”, a collaborative effort of an inter-governmental partnership that was initiated by local government. Through interaction with the Chilliwack community during its development, the Manual also provided a feedback loop for the Guidebook process. The Manual incorporated the content of the Bylaw that it replaced, and is designed to manage both flood risk and environmental risk.

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Chilliwack Manual, May 2002 (360 pixels)
City of Chilliwack

Author Kim A Stephens & Patrick Graham, CH2M Hill

Publisher City of Chilliwack

Date May 2002