APEGBC Sponsors Province-Wide Drainage Seminars that Complement "Beyond the Guidebook"

Beyond the guidebook - title slide  (march 2007)

Seminar Series provides guidance for runoff-based modelling

Commencing in April 2006, the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC (APEGBC) has been delivering a province-wide program of introductory seminars on rainwater runoff modeling. The program content is tailored for engineers working in urban infrastructure planning and design and the land development industry. The seminars are taught by Jim Dumont, a recognized specialist in hydrologic modeling.

Beyond the guidebook - slide 1 (march 2007)

The seminars are designed to complement Beyond the Guidebook, an initiative of the Inter-Governmental Partnership that developed the Water Balance Model of British Columbia in 2003 and is now integrating the Water Balance Model with QUALHYMO. The two are being integrated to provide practitioners with a ‘runoff-based tool’ for source control evaluation and stream health assessment. The ‘runoff-based approach’ holds the key to assessing environmental impacts in watercourses and the effectiveness of mitigation techniques. Jim Dumont (120 pixels)

Jim Dumont has been designated by the British Columbia Inter-Governmental Partnership as its Engineering Applications Authority. Jim Dumont is responsible for development of the stream health application that is at the heart of the Water Balance Model powered by QUALHYMO.

The desire to mitigate environmental impacts has provided a driver for the ‘green infrastructure’ movement in British Columbia. This movement is water-centric, is founded on a natural systems approach, and is influencing infrastructure policies, practices and standards. The Water Balance Model Partners Forum hosted by the Greater Vancouver Regional District in March 2007 provided a timely opportunity to roll out Beyond the Guidebook.

To Learn More:

For the complete story, click on APEGBC Sponsors Province-wide Seminar Series on Rainwater Assessment and Mitigation

2007 wbm partners forum - peter law in foreground

Posted April 2007

Updated July 2008