
Tools and Resources

    United States EPA Launches Green Infrastructure Drive

    EPA Deputy Administrator Bob Perciasepe (100×150)
    “Green infrastructure changes improve the health of our waters while creating local jobs, saving communities money and making them healthier and more prosperous places to raise a family and start a business.”

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    Water Balance Model facilitates adaptive management approach to implementation of alternative green infrastructure techniques

    “The WBM allows the user to quickly establish the existing, or the predevelopment, base line that will become the standard used to measure the performance of future development scenarios during the planning and design of a project. This allows the user to test various methods to establish the easiest and best ways to achieve the most desirable vision of the future for the Site, the Development, or the Watershed,” stated Jim Dumont.

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    Although the energy-intensive nature of providing water services is often unrecognized, these activities consume enormous amounts of power and fuel. The good news is that water conservation and efficiency opportunities are abundant.

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