


    Although the energy-intensive nature of providing water services is often unrecognized, these activities consume enormous amounts of power and fuel. The good news is that water conservation and efficiency opportunities are abundant.

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    Canadian Water Network and the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability

    The University of British Columbia (UBC) is the lead organization for a national initiative that is intended to facilitate a paradigm-shift from a single-function stormwater management to a multi-objective rainwater management way-of-thinking. The objective is to create a national network of experts that collaborate and share their experiences. To make things happen, earlier this year the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability at UBC received a grant from the Canadian Water Network to promote a 'knowledge translation strategy'.

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    Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program (STEP)

    The Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program (STEP) is a multi-agency program, led by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). The program was developed to provide the data and analytical tools needed to support broader implementation of sustainable technologies and practices within a Canadian context.

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    Toronto and Region Conservation Authority

    In 1957, the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority was formed, replacing four smaller authorities. In December of 1997, Bill 148 amended the Conservation Authorities Act changing the name of the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, reflecting the amalgamation of the former cities and borough within Metropolitan Toronto. Since its formation Toronto and Region Conservation has prepared and delivered programs for the management of the renewable natural resources within its watersheds.

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