
Lower Mainland

    Summary Report on Showcasing Green Infrastructure Innovation in Metro Vancouver: The 2007 Series

    The goal in showcasing innovation and celebrating successes is to promote networking, build regional capacity, and move ‘from awareness to action’ – through sharing of green infrastructure approaches, tools, experiences and lessons learned as an outcome of designing with nature. “Showcasing Green Infrastructure Innovation in Metro Vancouver: The 2007 Series” elaborates on what was accomplished at each of three events.

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    Institute for Resources, Environment & Sustainability at the University of British Columbia

    The Institute for Resources, the Environment and Sustainability (IRES) is both an interdisciplinary research institute and a major interdisciplinary graduate education program at the University of British Columbia. It is the mission of IRES to work to foster sustainable futures through integrated research and learning about the linkages among human and natural systems, to support decision making for local to global scales.

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    James Taylor Chair in Landscape and Liveable Environments

    The James Taylor Chair is a research and outreach organization based at the University of British Columbia that demonstrates how to design and build affordable, equitable, and ecologically healthy communities. We work with citizens and public officials to incorporate new and emerging policies for sustainable development into community plans.

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    Urban Development Institute – Pacific Region

    The Urban Development Institute is a national non-profit association (with international affiliations) of the development industry and its related professions. The 400 corporate members of UDI Pacific represent thousands of individuals involved in all facets of land development and planning, including: developers, property managers, financial lenders, lawyers, engineers, planners, architects, appraisers, real estate professionals, local governments and government agencies.

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    British Columbia Urban Forest Research Project

    The purpose of the Urban Forest Research Project is to provide planners, developers and municipal engineers with the tools and research they need to approach rainwater management in a more integrated and sustainable manner. Th University of British Columbia has established a website to showcase the project results and link to web stories on the Rainwater Management Community-of-Interest.

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    Celebrating Green Infrastructure: Summary Report on 2006 Showcasing Innovation Series

    The goal of the Celebrating Green Infrastructure Program is to build regional capacity through sharing of green infrastructure approaches, experiences and lessons learned as an outcome of ‘designing with nature'. The program was launched in May 2006 in the Greater Vancouver region as a provincial pilot. The intention is that local governments on Vancouver Island and in the Okanagan regions will undertake similar initiatives.

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