
Land & Water Resources

    Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia

    The Real Estate Foundation is a philanthropic organization created in 1985 by an amendment to the Real Estate Act. The Foundation's mission is to support sustainable real estate and land use practices for the benefit of British Columbians.

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    British Columbia Water & Waste Association

    Formed in 1973, BCWWA is a non-profit association dedicated to the safeguarding of public health and the environment through the sharing of skills, knowledge and experience in the water and wastewater industries.

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    Water – Choosing Sustainability for Life and Livelihoods

    The issue of how to accommodate a doubling of the population in the high growth regions of British Columbia is the driver for implementing changes in the way we develop land and use water. Conversations with elected officials are yielding insights that are shaping implementation of Convening for Action pilot programs in three regions of British Columbia, namely: the Okanagan, Vancouver Island and Greater Vancouver.

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    ‘Green Value’ strategy for Vancouver Island launched at the ‘Creating Our Future Workshop’

    The Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia is pursuing a strategy to persuade local governments on Vancouver Island to adopt “green value” approaches to planning for and accommodating settlement growth. The Foundation uses the term “green value” as a generic reference to use and conservation of land and real estate that achieves social and economic goals while minimizing harmful effects on ecological assets.

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